Saturday 7 March 2015

Well, I got up before dawn for the 6th day of the Bahai Fast and no food or drink between dawn and sunset. I trucked off down to York and did a 7 mile walk up to and  around the Uni and on the   lake I saw 10 Goosanders a courting  trying to breed. Good odds for the males because there were two of them and 8 females. Weird how they congregate on that lake . Last year there was 30 of them and a better balance between the sexes. The males weren't getting anywhere  near the females so if they can't  mate at those odds maybe it's best they  stay single for this year!  I  got back to the family gang and we went to Durham City for a 4 mile walk. We had a good laugh at the cafe teasing Miles about his funny way of saying things when he was younger then stomped up to the Cathedral to listen to a choir and orchestra rehearsing some choral music. So , after a crash and  a cuddle with the good lady Fiona I'm now preparing meatballs and tomatoe sauce for the hungry hordes and we're are gonna watch "The Mist" some sci fi horror movie. Cool! I had a great feeling  of warmth and love for the whole of humanity today and particularly my family and friends . God bless the Hemsworth Chat  FB group that I have a lot of fun on . Great folk!  Smart and fun . The best !