Saturday 1 October 2011

The day started with a couple of hours on a Baha'i stall in the center of Darlington which was nice not least because there was some interest today . I had a great discussion with a Christian about religious exclusivity and why for him it was so important . I simply said that the idea and practice of exclusivity in any beliefs, religious, political and atheist had had its day and living together with the difference and the diversity was the way forward not believing that everyone else was wrong. Nice man and the fact that he was so nice indicated he might believe he was totally right but he could indeed live with the difference quite happily ! In the afternoon I went out walking with the family in the Durham Woods and it was balmy, bright and brilliant. The River Wear was peppered with leaves as Autumn finally drifted in and the water had a looking through a brown mist aspect to it . Trotting through the woods, every time there was a light breeze the steady clatter of oak nuts and beech mast sounded as they got shook off the trees and struck the ground .Eerie because it sounded like rain on a very warm and muzzie day . The town was full of students looking bright and beavering as new experiences were being felt by some and anticipation shone in the faces of many . Good for them! Back home and a nice doze with the lovely Fiona listening to the second part of Handels Messiah and after that the meatballs spaghetti and tomato sauce are sizzling away as she sleeps on and the lads get stuck into annihilating the world with their computer games . A lovely afternoon and double Star Trek coming up. Oh, and my getting smarter and doesn't he know it eldest son Miles as he walked in through the door opened up his last marked assignment for the year and found he'd got 99%! Of course we said because he'd lost one mark he's gonna fail. Its good because whilst its obvious the lads got natural endowments with mathematics he works extremely hard and very intensively frequently revisiting to master the stuff and whatever he has got needs a lot of effort to liberate it ! Well done Miles. Don't blow the exam in two weeks time! Open University students have finals every year and hes got two of them soon. Family life : beautiful.