Sunday 9 October 2011

Well today has been a no walking day. This morning I took the lads out to RKade Skate park in Redcar and they had a really good thrash. One of my friends a refrigeration engineer was telling me a really good story about the sorts of jobs that he got that could be very tricky and difficult because of government regulations and how they clash with his personal initiative. It is a common theme with people in business and somehow it always seems to be that the rules do not follow the good practice a lot of business people do. Anyway, often in arcade I get a can of Coca-Cola and as I always do with canned drinks give it a careful wipe and when I'm sat down in RKade usually rub the top on my left thigh as well. Well I was so engrossed with Andy's story that I forgot that I had gone through my wiping down routine and just picked up the open can of Coke and started rubbing it against my left thigh completely oblivious to what I was doing but slightly questioning about why Andy was looking at me as if I'd gone stark raving bonkers. Of course about 10 seconds later I jumped out of my skin and we both laughed our heads off and I had a very wet leg. It is yet another instalment in what could be the almost legendary lunacy that Paul Saunders-Priem either indulges in or something happens to him. Of course when the lads and several of the other skateboarders heard about this they were laughing until their sides split. If anybody ever wonders why nobody ever takes me seriously now you really know! A quiet reflective day with something to laugh about and a lot to think about.