Saturday 5 March 2011

With the family I had a nice mellow walk around Durham today which should have been a walk in Teesdale looking at rocks and plants around the Cauldron Spout area but I mentioned to Fo about crossing the Tees to look at rocks on the other side but in the absence of a bridge and the certainty of getting her feet wet and some very low cloud she said "No" and " Lets have a walk around Durham instead". After we parked the car we went by what I call the Singing Hedge because of all the birdsong that comes out of it due to dozens of sparrows having taken up what looks like a permanent residence . Noisy birds . The River Wear was quiet and a translucent color which usually means little sediment in the water and it gives off a feeling of milky soothing calm. Not many people around today and few birds as well. In the town I met the market man who put up a stall for me a few weeks ago when I did a Baha'i Stall and he was pleasantly moaning about a large group of Libyans last week who formed a circle and danced and chanted for about two hours right in the middle of the market area. I'm on the Bahai Fast at the moment, 19 days of no food or liquid between sunrise and sunset and biscuit break was sitting there looking at my family munch their biscuits . I love the physical side of my religion but its up to the individual whether they do the Fast or not . After the fairly brisk walk it was back home to a great tea and two episodes of Star Trek. A mellow , nondescript and totally satisfying day!