Tuesday 16 October 2012

Good stuff. Most cosmologists now accept that something from nothing ie the Big Bang or Creation for the Christian and Muslim folk is wrong and that the Universe is more likely to have existed forever. It does with its end because space is flat and goes on forever in a straight line , no problem with that : no end ! But , if the Universe has no beginning it could not be proved by science, only accepted as a belief position because in order to prove a scientific truth a cause is needed . If the universe has existed forever it has no cause . This lets in God , Providence or whatever Name a person chooses to call it because what creates that which has no cause?

I believe that religion and science have a common purpose : understanding the universe and allowing ones life to be led by whatever that universe is saying is the best way forward and not holding on to views and practices that are useless now. Best of all though is the Cern scientists are breaking down the rather tribal and antagonistic barriers between some scientists and religious folk because the universe is very much saying : have differences but think and behave as if it is diversity that is an expression of a unity between all human beings.
A post from a Facebook mate, Toby Philpot about John Martyn.

"Working in folk clubs (and showing no talent for music) I hung out with musicians (making tea and rolling joints, etc), so I guess I have to find a piece by John Martyn (I used to baby-sit for him and Beverley) - who knew he got an OBE! "

"When I ran away to the USA, he phoned ahead, so a friend would settle me in, until the jet-lag wore off...and through the following 18 months of my hitch-hiking around he would occasionally pop up through FM radio to reassure me... it felt like a postcard...in those days before mobile phones, email, and all that. Bless 'im."