Sunday 24 April 2011

Yesterday was a magical day. With Fo in the morning I went to Saltholme RSPB Reserve to look at birds and not only saw some great birds but they were doing interesting things as well . In Saltholme Hide the Little Egrets were hunting darting there heads into the water and so were the Herons . Because it was Saturday there were lots of RSPB Wardens around and they found a Turnstone and joy of joys a pair of Shovelers a duck with a huge fat bill. Onto Paddies Hide and we saw the Crested Grebes nesting and a pair of Avocets feeding which was great because they put there heads down , wade through the water and sieve out food with their long curved beaks . Coffee and cake followed with my lovely lady and then we nipped down to Greatham Creek a mile down the road because the Wardens had told us there was a flock of Avocets there and we found them and they were amazing and very active feeding away . Shot back home to get the lads out for a 4 mile sprint around Durham in the very sultry cloudy weather and then back home for tea and Star Trek . To round off the day I rehearsed for the first time with Button Hole Jam and really enjoyed it because I miked up my harmonica correctly for the first time and I could hear myself properly . It was great singing with them as well and my countertenor voice which I have been sorting out for the last year is strong enough for a public showing at last . When harmonizing with Klara Whiley the lead female singer it worked very well and I'd like to develop that with her . A great end to a brilliant day! Couldn't sleep when I got back because I was to excited !