Monday 20 September 2010

Well, today I did not feel like doing any maths work so I decided to go to York to get a wax cotton jacket because believe it or not there are not that many of them in this area. So I popped out the car at Rawcliffe and walked into the center via Burton Stone Lane and then Gillygate but when I got to Marks & Spencer's they did not have the particular type off wax cotton jacket that I liked. I had a look in a couple of other shops but they didn't either. So, I hoofed it up to the University and had a good walk around seeing a heron at Derwent College Lake perched on the wire fence in the middle of the lake that surrounds the water lilies desperately attempting to get a frog and then further down I saw a Ruddy shelduck and further down from that the great crested grebes were still there which I think is marvelous because I have seen them from when they were chicks.

What surprised me today was that I am usually quite fit but since we have got the elliptical which is specifically useful for putting more power into your legs I am even fitter and I shot around at a speed and a manner which I don't remember doing since I was about 40. All this from just 10 days worth of training on the elliptical so after a couple of months I should be able to do the hills even easier than I do now.. All of the family have found this effect. I was watching a documentary a while back about Royal Marines training and I noticed that they used ellipticals which quite surprised me because it is a bit of a namby-pamby piece of gym equipment but they were using them so I thought there must be something in it so now we have got one. Good stuff.

York was busy because there was a Yorkshire food fĂȘte in the center and I sampled one of the porkpie's which was probably the best porkpie I've ever tasted in my life. Was tempted by another but I resisted and instead deferred gratification and got Fiona some York chocolate fudge which pretty much puts me in her good books for about the next 10 days. York chocolate fudge or any chocolate fudge for that matter is usually worth about 10 days of her good graces. We have a very simple relationship: I please her and she puts up with me! I will not be going down to York for a while because I've spotted that they have cleaned up the White Horse on the North Yorkshire moors and all of the Oolitic limestone is shining white and brilliant and I have just got to see it so we will be going there this weekend and having a nice walk.