Thursday 31 October 2013

Yorky Walky day .Around 7 miles. Low winter light showing Cathedral City at its best. People packed everywhere. Minster quiet. Prelude to illuminations evening. Candles in the aisles apparently! Prayers in prayer chapel for those here and those gone. Wandered over to university. Leafy trek very nice. Duckless lake had me wondering: "Where have they all gone!". Crispy duck crepe stall at Food Fair in Parliament Street had me wondering even more! Crash out on millennium Bridge. 20 mile an hour wind blowing up river and across my back cooled me down nicely. Rowntrees Park autumn multicoloured leaf heaven. Happy kids throwing themselves around skate park. Family thoughts and love for beloved wife very strong. Her love for me not strong enough to tear herself away from the garden today though! Great walk!