Saturday 27 November 2010

In all the snow me and the lads had a nice afternoon out in Durham. They sledged and I had a beautiful walk around the town . The lovely Fo was still not well so she stayed near home and had couple of miles walk around the local park just to get better quicker. The snow was quite deep in Durham and coming in on the Shincliffe road it was a bit hairy but passable. There were a lot of students and kids sledging and it was great to see my lads dashing up the slope to get going . I was stood next to a tree the branches bending with the snow and I thought it had started snowing again but it was just blowing off the tree. After watching the lads for 5 minutes I headed off into town over Prebends Bridge keeping an eye out for the Goosanders on the river but they were nowhere to be seen. The clouds were low giving a cosy feeling which could also be due to fact that I had wrapped up well warm. Soon regretted this because 10 minutes later I was very sweaty. At what age do you slow down? Eventually I went into Durham Cathedral because I just love cathedrals and churches in the low winter afternoon light. I have had many a spiritual moment? in these places and oftentimes I say a prayer in them or even sing one . Couldn't find the prayer chapel today so the secular feelings option of coffee , sausage roll and a custard tart made up for it in the cathedral cafe which was half empty and very relaxed. Missed my deadline to get back to the boys so they could have there biscuit break so I just sauntered along the river enjoying a fine English winter soaking in those Medieval vibes and getting that great sense of history and nature which I often feel when going around Durham. I'm falling in love with the place!

When I got back to the lads they were wet , muddy and Clifford was pretty cold because he only had thin socks on . Bad dog. I didn't do my standard gear check before we went out . Bad Dad Doggy. They were still going strong up those slopes and it is about 50 meters in vertical height so they did at least 20 runs so that makes roughly a kilometre of climbing or 3000 feet in old money. Sledging is great exercise no doubt about it . Of course Miles wasn't cold at all and was raring to go for some more but Clifford had had enough so home it was and as a lot of snow had started I'm glad we got going when we did because it was really sticking on the A1 but because we are used to going up to Upper Teesdale in the same weather it was no problem : "Don't touch the brake "! Someone did earlier on and the car was being cabled up a bank it had slid down by a tow truck. It's not just Miles who needs to learn to drive! No one was hurt. Back at home Fo was all cuddled in up bed with her DS trying to destroy a monster when we got back and had the lads in there to help her out . After shooing them out we listened to a Radio 3 concert of Cuban and Mali muscians which was brill. A nice , mellow, but with the snow, exciting afertnoon. I love my family .