Tuesday 12 November 2013

Autumnal Durham walk yesterday, autumnal York trek today .  Leafy light angled dappled patchy leaf colours everywhere. Delayed autumn excellent! City walls walked airily then Lendal Bridge traffic free . God bless York City Council. Pastys  perfect but lept on by pigeon before I finished. First-time mugged by pigeon for pasty. Revenge of the birds? Onto Bells for cappuccino coffee and romantic gazing with Fiona. Attempts at romance always lead to giggles!  Minster quiet. Sunlight streaming stained-glass dreaming Christian hope, God's hope, all of our hopes. Prayer chapel prayers for friends past and present. 80s girlfriend Toni Bunell and new husband Paul met in Minster Gardens. Hedgehogs just been fed. Go Hedgehog Lady Toni! Foss Islands road trek to Angie. Angie in and the sun shines brighter. Beautiful lady and life enhancing. Sent us off with Chilli Jam and more. I am unashamedly into cupboard love and the real thing ! Dark evening walk eventually crossing multicoloured lit  Millennium Bridge spanning gliding Ouse. Beautiful afternoon stroll.