Saturday 10 August 2013

Over floating duvet like stratocumulus clouds from horizon to horizon me and the rest of the family had a nice stroll around Durham City. We had a look at   accommodation for Miles. It looked very nice, safe and secure as well as poking round some of the streets which looked really interesting. Biscuit break was in the marketplace and my foodie wife insisted on getting two punnets of strawberries and a large tub of double cream. I suppose I will have to eat it! We went around Durham Cathedral which was very busy   there being people dressed up in Viking and Anglo-Saxon costumes showing activities that those people did. Really good. The afternoon cuddle has been done, the tea is a cooking , I have more music running round my head than a man should have and we are about to watch "End of Watch" a cop thriller. Not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the evening but harmonica playing, songwriting and possibly even a long walk may figure largely in it. I'm free, well the bonds of wife and family always pull me back and are never really out of my mind. God bless them. And God bless my friends for putting up with me!