Saturday 23 July 2011

Today , without Miles again due to his cold, me and the rest of the family had a sweet 2 hour walk around the Durham City River Wear area. The river was muddy brown due to the heavy downpours that have occurred all over the north but when they happen in the Upper Pennines the valleys concentrate the force of the water and a lot of erosion occurs , hence the brown water heavily laden with peat sediment. Over the whole river area barely a bird in sight. July seems to be a quiet month for birds ! Biscuit break in Durham City center was interesting because there was a South American duo playing tribal music and one of the guys had a Pan Pipe that trailed all the way to the ground . Massive. It was so low in pitch that when he played it whales were attracted up the Wear estuary way down in Sunderland.Really good and they were raking in the money . On the way back we had a typical husband wife series of comments : Fiona " Oo look Paul at those flowers in the hanging baskets " Paul (trying to impress his wife with Bob Dylan lyrics " Can you cook and sow make flowers grow do you understand my pain " , looking meaningfully at Fiona . Fiona : " Yes Paul but I don't share it!" If anyone wonders why I love her now you know ! A nice afternoon out .