Sunday 9 September 2012

From my Facebook comments;

The US fought and won its federation in the American Civil War intended or not. One consistent law system for all no matter what colour even though all American Indians were not full citizens until 1924 and the African American racial problems persist to today although much reduced.. If there is one constant in American History it is that America makes the best of the unintended and ends up going places it never intended to go and that place is towards establishing democracy and federal principles and practice everywhere. The Founding of the League and United Nations primarily driven by Americans is a good example and as I said before successive American Governments drive Europe to a United States of Europe .

Most of Europe is Christian, Christianity dominates , just as it did in 18C America and the questions I often ask myself because I'm a Bahai and believe in and work for a World Federal System are these : " Why did so many American politicians , government officials and Governments attempt and in some cases succeed in establishing Federal principles and practice? " "Why do so many European governments , government officials and European Institutions want to establish a United States of Europe? And the last one is " How long will it be until Middle Eastern and Far Eastern countries go down the same federal path?" . In the last question trade and business are already conducted across borders to an amazing mount it is only a matter of time until the Far Eastern Countries establish their own economic federation in the same way Europe has no doubt fully supported and encouraged intended or not by who else : America . God bless that country.

Anyway , I totally agree with this from a great American in my view:

"We must make the United Nations continue to work, and to be a going concern, to see that difficulties between nations may be settled just as we settle difficulties between States here in the United States. When Kansas and Colorado fall out over the waters in the Arkansas River, they don't go to war over it; they go to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the matter is settled in a just and honorable way. There is not a difficulty in the whole world that cannot be settled in exactly the same way in a world court." -- President Truman's remarks in Omaha, Nebraska on June 5, 1948, at the dedication of the War Memorial (Quoted from Wikipedia).

As Mr Truman said it above thats the world I want to live in and a lot of people on the planet are coming around to this and America is leading that process often unintended because its the way that great country reacts to world events which always seem to nudge the planet peoples towards more global integration and eventually , I believe, to a world federation.