Monday 5 September 2011

Yesterday with the family I went to the York Peace Festival at Rowntrees Park York. After wandering around the stalls I went to the Arena area and met Sybil Wood a nice friend from the 80's , Jon Wood her hubby and David and Nicky Young . Later after doing a 2 hour steward session I met Jons Mum June who is a very fine lady . What can I say: in the early afternoon it rained very lightly but lifted to sunshine towards the end of Festival at 7pm and Stewarding on the Terry Avenue gate with a woman called Laura was very interesting and not without its problems . Surprising how many people have a reason not to pay in a public car park only to find that indeed you have to pay in a public car park . Witnessed 2 serious near misses with extremely careless I should say criminal drivers just reversing out into Terry Avenue without looking to much behind them when there were two lads on scooters in one case and a cyclist on the other . Believe it or not there is more to that stewarding business than I thought. It was great asking people if they wanted a Festival brochure and would they "please make a donation up to £1.50." Best of all was that towards the end of my shift a great friend from the '80s who I last saw in 1996 and he came to my wedding in 1988 the one and only Neil Grant strolled by and we had a nice ten minutes chatting and Fiona turned up as well and it was a very nice little time . He's given me his phone number so I can catch up some more sometime later . Neil gave me some good advice in the '80s and I took it . I was a bit wild then which he and others found entertaining but some of them were a bit concerned at times hence the good advice forwarded to mee hee several times. A quarter of a century later still married happy and looking forward to the future some of those Yorkie friends pointed me in the right direction and I still keep walking it. I sincerely hope all of them have been as fortunate as me. When I got back to the the Arena area Jons Mum June had turned up and offered me the nicest cup of coffee I've tasted in a while not least because I hadn't drunk anything since the morning . I then crashed out with the family listening to the last two bands for about 90 minutes and had the delight of watching my wife and Sybil dancing the only slight blot on my view being Fiona was not in that nice short dress she wore last time her and Sybil were boogieing together . My youngest Clifford had a good 8 mile walk on his own throughout the afternoon but surprise surprise Miles just crashed out and sat and laid around enjoying the music which was great because I didn't think he'd do that and he'd be off for a walk with his brother . A smashing day , brilliant to see old friends particularly Neil who I've always really liked and I think he was surprised at how much I had and hadn't changed! A beautiful day .