Tuesday 15 January 2013

God bless America. They fight for the ferret over there! For those of us who have marriages blighted by Female Ferret Phobia , aka Fionas' Syndrome , and mine severely is , only sore point really , after all every Yorkshireman has the right in marriage to own a ferret right , there must be some Magna Carter thingy about that, or is this where the Normans went wrong, who knows , but any way, what our world dominating Atlantic cousins are doing is brilliant. Yet another bit of support and therapy for my Fine but Ferret Forbidding Wife to nudge her on the path of allowing her husband to attain Ferrethood and for her to rise to achieve Ferretgnosis : the understanding and appreciation of the blessings to mankind of Males Owing Ferrets. Once this is achieved our marriage will be complete and I can get a shed and engage in Ferret communication and play my harmonica to it because its a well known fact that Ferrets love Jazz ! The lack of a ferret in my life is holding me back musically as well!
Appeal to Obama over ferret ban
California debates whether to maintain a ban on ferrets, amid fears