Sunday 12 February 2012

Well, I walked around Durham today without my family because my Mum didn't want a visit and they didn't want to walk with me . Bad dogs . Anyway the weather was cool but grey and sultry and I had a look at a new extension to the library Durham Uni are putting up . All brash wood and turf roofs. Very nice , classy in fact .

Then I trundled past along the road with a good overview of the Cathedral and the River Wear and decided to have a Starbucks Coffee at their spot just before Framwellgate Bridge . There was a stall outside because they were fundraising for Breast Concern so I put my best " I'm concerned about breasts " look on my face and walked in and there were about 40 young women in there and just a couple of guys , three with me .

Got my coffee and sat down and got several smiles from these femme youngies , I must have looked really concerned , was going to ask the guy in the seat next to me "Are you concerned about womens breasts " but thought better not he might find that scary so I had a nice 20 minutes sipping the great coffee feeling concerned and wondering whether to say to the nearest young lady " Are you going to India or China" but pulled my self up with the thought, " Numb nuts , that was Breast Awareness week" and then thought in a giggling kind of way to myself " I'm probably more concerned and aware of breasts than most of the femme concernos because of the advanced age of my wife!" .

Well on that morally dubious superior note I headed over the Framwellgate Bridge and sneaked up on the unsuspecting guitarist busker who was pretty good but would be better with me blowing harmonica and singing with him and got chatting , we exchanged cards, there will be an exchange of musical notes I hope in the near future and was delighted by the talent , brains and good naturedness of this young chappie. He's a computer science graduate , just finishing his Masters , wondering whether to do a PhD but is open to wasting his life doing music for funk and profit. Good lad . Jake Rigby is his name and he knows how to make basic sound fresh, new and good and that is in my view a big step to advancement and cashola.

Well all good things must come to an end and its now back at home , a spaggheti needs a cooking , but it is so great to part of this lovely family of mine!