Monday 2 February 2015

A brill day put has been had with the Goodwife Fiona. We trucked off to Saltholme RSPB reserve on Teesside to gaze at da birds and ducks and gaze we did . The highlights were seeing a Snow Bunting for the first time , 3 egrets and amazingly a beautiful Fox right in front of the Saltholme Center munching away on all the fallen birdseed. It was cold with a big C but Fiona was suitably engulfed in the remains of some animal around her head and several layers around the rest of her . After the Birding and freezing bit we went to Redcar to do more er............Birding and freezing and were rewarded by seeing around 50 Common Scoters floating raft like on the sea. After pondering why they always went to the same place the thought leapt into the remaining mental space I've got , not much , that they are diving ducks and where they were floating is above the reefs which are the habitat for the food they eat namely Sea Urchins , small crabs , mussels and such organisms . Totally brilliant . Our plan to gawp at the fossilised 200 million year old Jurassic shelly beds didn't work out 'cos the tide was in and they were underwater . A cracking day with a cracking lady !