Tuesday 15 May 2012

A wonderful music session was had at the Royal Oak Butterknowle last night. One word to sum it all up? Sparkling. The sound levels were right so singers could be heard and everybody played really well particularly Reagan Hardy Mr Percussion who always has the right rhythm for the right time. The diatonic harmonicas I was using worked very well and I have finally got the right type of tone out of the amplifier that works for those kind of sessions. Singing "Old Flames" at the end was really good and very moving with me and Klara and Brian Whiley warbling away together in close very nice harmony. BHJ aka "Button Hole Jam" were on really good form and ever since I left them roughly a year ago they have just got better and better. I must join another band and leave it so they can improve! I heard some really good close vocal harmonies last night and that is definitely the way to go. The mighty Mr Guitar Man Owen Guy-Fisher was on really good form with his voice and there is much more to come from that young man. A really good night and I am looking forward to the next one!