Saturday 10 September 2011

A totally gorgeous 2 hour walk was had with the family wandering around the slightly brown and golden tinged Durham Woods. A Gymkhana was in progress when we went past Houghhall Farm and we discussed about how much a working class sport this activity is in fact because all of the jobs that are created with the shodding of horse hooves , veterinary services , hay feed from the farmers fields rented out by farmers for horses to go on , the various saddles and riding gear and not only that I noticed they had a burger bar selling all sorts . More people are involved with supporting a Gymkhana than actually participate in it we think. The rural economy very interesting , important and adds to the glory of nature as well. Oh yes and I must mention horse box manufacture and repair, I've noticed two of those businesses on my travels in North Yorkshire . But back to the walk : We now use umbrellas when it is really warm and it was 21C today and when the rain shower comes an umbrella keeps me cool and dry! Not so sure how it will work in the hills when it is windy but its great for towns . We stopped and stared hopefully at the weir beneath Framwellgate Bridge looking out for salmon but I think they've all gone upstream now to the streams and gills where they breed . Amazing, the River is such an expression of natural process and the Cormorants and Gulls looked saggy in the warmth today as if to say " Take it easy " We did ! Biscuit break on the new Durham Town Marketplace was spiced up by us plonking ourselves down next to a cartoonist and I was surprised to see how much trade he got . Little did he know that he was stood next to the Saunders-Priem family which is a living cartoon. After a great drive back looking at the huge showers dropping there rain over Upper Weardale Teesdale and beyond over the Northern Pennines it was a crash and a cuddle with Fiona listening to Handels Messiah . The Alto recitative was very moving, and I didn't realise I was so cultured, oh well can always wear my flat cap to get back to my proletarian roots but I'll pass on the clogs, ! Smashing afternoon and the meatballs and spaghetti are cooking to be accompanied by Star Trek . Family life is bliss ! Thank you God, thank you.