Friday 30 December 2011

Today with Fiona and Clifford I had a nice 3 1/2 hour walk around York. It was quite interesting because we ended up talking with Clifford a lot about some apprehensions he had about the work he was doing in the sixth form college in Darlington. A parent has to go from fun and be interested in this mode please to a more serious one at the drop of a hat as soon as the kid raises an issue. We switched modes very quickly! We consulted and sorted it out as we often do in this family in a very short space of time, consult thoroughly, full frank and unfettered and then decide on the course of action and act in unity. We have done this right from when Miles was born and it works. I could not care less if anybody says to me "Oh, that's what Baha'is do" because in actual fact I have seen people from all sorts of beliefs and no beliefs do this and it does work. The lad is back on the virtuous circle or academic treadmill depending on how you look at it! Circle, circle, circle..........! From what I noticed of York Minster walking round it talking quite earnestly with the lad and Fiona it is still there, it is a wonderful spiritual building full of lovely geological specimens and packed full of tourists today which however much people lament the tourist, after all we were tourists today, they are a jolly bunch and definitely brighten the place up. We had our usual Original Cornish Pasty washed down with some nice coffee and just as we were heading back to the car along Birdcage Walk it started to really throw it down with rain so it was umbrellas out and the only interesting part of that walk was spending some time looking at the River Ouse and some really strange very large patches of what looked like slushy ice floating down the river but what we worked out was some sort of interaction between the large raindrops hitting the fast flowing current, the raindrops creating ripples that cut across each other and then the wind sweeping straight across the lot and giving the illusion of patches floating down the river. It was a very beautiful and almost transcendental effect that has us gazing wondrously and thinking furiously at the same time. As I said to my youngest doggie Clifford "If you can understand the interesting explanation we are coming up with kid talking about this there is no way that you are not intelligent!"! Good lad and a nice end to a lovely little walk with our family furthering and progressing as it usually does after a minor hurdle has been passed. God bless good old reason. And tough mindedness!
Today with Fiona and Clifford I had a nice 3 1/2 hour walk around York. It was quite interesting because we ended up talking with Clifford a lot about some apprehensions he had about the work he was doing in the sixth form college in Darlington. A parent has to go from fun and be interested in this mode please to a more serious one at the drop of a hat as soon as the kid raises an issue. We switched modes very quickly! We consulted and sorted it out as we often do in this family in a very short space of time, consult thoroughly, full frank and unfettered and then decide on the course of action and act in unity. We have done this right from when Miles was born and it works. I could not care less if anybody says to me "Oh, that's what Baha'is do" because in actual fact I have seen people from all sorts of beliefs and no beliefs do this and it does work. The lad is back on the virtuous circle or academic treadmill depending on how you look at it! Circle, circle, circle..........! From what I noticed of York Minster walking round it talking quite earnestly with the lad and Fiona it is still there, it is a wonderful spiritual building full of lovely geological specimens and packed full of tourists today which however much people lament the tourist, after all we were tourists today, they are a jolly bunch and definitely brighten the place up. We had our usual Original Cornish Pasty washed down with some nice coffee and just as we were heading back to the car along Birdcage Walk it started to really throw it down with rain so it was umbrellas out and the only interesting part of that walk was spending some time looking at the River Ouse and some really strange very large patches of what looked like slushy ice floating down the river but what we worked out was some sort of interaction between the large raindrops hitting the fast flowing current, the raindrops creating ripples that cut across each other and then the wind sweeping straight across the lot and giving the illusion of patches floating down the river. It was a very beautiful and almost transcendental effect that has us gazing wondrously and thinking furiously at the same time. As I said to my youngest doggie Clifford "If you can understand the interesting explanation we are coming up with kid talking about this there is no way that you are not intelligent!"! Good lad and a nice end to a lovely little walk with our family furthering and progressing as it usually does after a minor hurdle has been passed. God bless good old reason. And tough mindedness!