Saturday 25 September 2010

Today has been a very good one. I got some mathematics done in the morning and solved some of our clothes drying problems in our house at last. With the family I then went for a 4 mile walk around Durham and the boys were in much better health. Nice and fit as usual. The river was still very brown which indicates a high peat content in it which is unusual because we have not had a lot of rain. A sign of things eroding way up in the hills? Maybe next time I go up to upper Weardale it will all be gone! Anyway, we did our usual walk except that the trees were catching the autumn. A heron was again on the weir and I can remember a time when we would have seen one every few weeks and now there is one there every week. Could be the time of the year who knows. The center of Durham was fairly quiet but there were a lot more students about which was nice because their faces looked keen and optimistic which is just what we need in these times. Well, back home and two episodes of Star Trek followed by a great music session with Fiona listening to a compilation CD called Supercharged which has some pretty good music from McFly and bands like that. I have just finished watching I Robot with the boys and that was good particularly some of their charged comments about what was plausible and what was not. A good day. Family life goes from bliss to, well, more bliss!