Tuesday 29 June 2010

As an end of A-levels treat I took Miles to the Works skate park in Leeds last night. They had built a new half pipe section and he was totally enthralled with it. So enthralled that he took a couple of bad slams in his excitement. Bad dog! Still, nothing he has not experienced before so we had a really good time. Skateboarders seem to enjoy grief! I did my usual 6 mile walk around Leeds which was really great. On the way back about a kilometre from the skate park on a busy road I noticed a goldfinch to my left which then promptly shot up to a high overhead streetlamp and one of its young popped up there as well and they both just hung out for about five minutes. It was absolutely brilliant and I never expected to see goldfinches smack in the centre of Leeds. Whilst it was a really good evening in our mutual excitement we forgot to retrieve our skateboarding toolkit so I have to go back down to Leeds this evening to get it. Oh well, lots of singing practice in the car tonight! I must tell you this. Oh the perils of voice recognition, if I had not edited this it interpreted "skate park" above as "as Gay Park"!