Monday 31 January 2011

Good day yesterday. Took Miles to RKade skate park in the morning and he had a ripping session. In the afternoon, Miles didn't want to do more exercise, Fo still felt woozy and Clifford didn't want to walk so I went out on my own after I had put up the two bird boxes for Fo. Well we did it together and she was very excited about this. Oh I wish all aspects of our marriage were as simple as this! I went to Richmond and had a 90 minute walk around Easby Woods under slate grey skies next to the River Swale which was so clear it mirrored the sky. I wasn't sure which way up I was at times. Look down at the river see the sky , look up see the sky . Beautiful. For once I didn't see anyone I knew from the past and it was great to see lots of families out walking as well as kids on bikes on the Bridleway . The country side is there to be enjoyed : enjoy it that's what I say. Cooked some square spaghetti for the family when I got back and they really enjoyed that . Topped off the weekend with playing at the Butterknowle Open Mike night with the Button Hole Jam. They had learned new songs and were a bit tentative at first but I reckon leaps over the cliff occur after the first step so just burn the inhibitions down and jump! That's what I do. They sounded really good and I managed to not over play . The guitarist Owen was shining last night and that was good to hear. Exiles from Eden were on cracking form as was Julie McGrath and a young lady did a couple of her own compositions which were pretty good. No inhibitions there she just belted it out : good lady! Nice folk in Butterknowle Village Hall and a pleasant end to a good weekend.