Friday 23 November 2012

A Facebook ad to Win Her Affection? "A few tips to win a woman's affection and get her hooked on you". Ummm after 24 years of marriage I think I need to read this just in case. My good boy moves so far today are:

I've prepared a Persian Rice which is 45 min away from perfection and then served with peas and fresh sausages.
I did a 10 mile walk around York this morning and came back all fit and frisky which is the way the lass likes me.
Kept the zany humour down so it nearly exhausted Fiona but didn't actually tire her completely out.
When I forgot to help her with the shopping as she brought it in I grovelled so sincerely that even I believed it, sincerity is so important to a great and long-lasting relationship .
Convinced Fiona there will be a 50 mile wide hole in the plague of frogs and floods weather that we will be getting tomorrow where she can bask in the glorious sunshine when we go out for a walk .

What the hell else do I need to know about winning her affection?  Anyway stuff it, I think I'll be persuaded today by the "Lasting gift for wildlife" with the good old RSPB and forego the attempts to be a better man. Remember: save the birds first and your marriage later!