Tuesday 6 August 2013

6:30 AM Fiona is wide awake and alert. That hasn't happened for over a year. So, Fiona, me and Clifford are going for our 25th anniversary outing early . Had a nice tramp around the centre of York, said prayers for friends past, present and deceased in York Minster Prayer Chapel. Renewed our Bahai marriage vows in a corner of the Minster Gardens: "We will all verily abide by the will of God" said by me and Fiona in turn, and for 25 years we have. Spoke to a York friend I haven't seen for 17 years , Angie Pallister, as she used to be called and we will be seeing her again in the near future. Just got back from Tandoori Nights at Richmond in Swaledale after gobbling a load of food up and had much hilarity with my mum and the rest of the family. Also finished off the lyrics for my latest song this morning which will be recorded up tomorrow. A stonkingly good day. God bless my lovely wife!