Saturday 7 September 2013

Wide-awake 5 AM. Wife dead to the world no chance of getting family out for walk. Up and out and headed off for York. Massive stratus cloud over North Yorkshire Moors slips sideways to reveal sun coming up. Nice! In York Minster early, absolutely nobody there at all not a sausage. Whole place to myself for 40 min. Said prayers in Chapter House for friends dead and alive. Octagonal Chapter House, sun bursts in from East side. Strode around York. Crash out on Millennium Bridge, buzzard spotted over Rowntrees Park, circling round in thermals wandering over to station. Buy cheap mobiles for boys. Home, bang on 1 PM. Out again at 3 PM to walk in Durham City, buy mini espresso coffee cup, middle-class aspirations fulfilled, ending up munching food at Inshanghai Chinese tummy filling place. Stride back to Shincliffe, around 10 miles in the legs for the day, watch "Bandits" at home, Miles giggling at my preening over my expresso sipping cup and feel a lot of love for family and friends. Great day and looking forward to a good shift at the job tomorrow. The night is still young!