Thursday 15 August 2013

Well, Clifford the Youngest is full of surprises. We have always seen him as just a bit beneath Maths Supremo Miles. Nothing wrong with that quite a few people blow better harmonica than I do and I'm a real believer in pecking orders and levels. Shock horror! Anyway, the lad got AAA for his A-levels Mathematics, Further Mathematics and History. Examination wise he has trounced his brother! Only joking, we just expect them to clear the bar I am not bothered how high they clear it. He could apply for another university right now based on these examination results but God bless him he is happy with Northumbria University Mathematics Course and he's sticking with that. Our two fine lads are staying in the North East for now which is great because I am getting to love the place! Love Yorkshire as well by the way!
 Clifford has got his place to study Mathematics at Northumbria University. Total respect to the lad because he has worked very hard at his mathematics. Just a week after his last exam this year he got down to working on his mathematical weaknesses and will be continuing with this until the back end of September, so he is well prepared for his undergraduate work. I do not know what his results are yet but they can't be anything less than ABC or else he would not have got his place.