Saturday 8 June 2013

Just got back from a great walk in Buttercup filled fields around Durham City with Clifford and Fiona. It looked and felt ethereal, cool and heavenly because although there was a hot sun there was also a very cool breeze blowing from the north-east. Not many clouds in the sky but what we did see were fallstreak clouds where the ice particles are heavier than the surrounding ice particles and fall down ,  the whole thing looking like a bent  ice cream cone  flowing in the direction of the wind. Really exciting and it was the first time I had seen this phenomena. There were several   little ones as well. What was unusual was that there is usually a hole in a huge flat hozizontal cloud   but in this case there was no hole just this downward flowing  bent ice cream cone. Nice!

Pretty wild walk and Fiona got very excited when she spotted an extremely active tree creeper from  2 m away shooting up the tree looking for food. She also went to a second-hand clothes stall which has excellent stuff from the 80s and 90s and she bought a jean jacket which makes her look very cool indeed. So cool that I feel the need for a personal fire extinguisher when around her. For me that is . Oh well, who says life gets quieter as you get older.

Very unusually for our family, being into routine in an almost autistic way, we are having our Persian Rice this evening with sausages and green beans. I do believe we are going to watch " Nacho Libre" a crazy film about Mexican wrestling starring Jack Black.

Fiona took a couple of tumbles scrambling round part  of a wood and I am always impressed by her willingness to throw herself up and down things. She got into an  an argument with some brambles as well which she is busy combing out of her hair at this moment. A great afternoon out!
Yesterday when out in Richmond with Fiona, we sat on a bench with a lady and because she had a rucksack I inevitably asked her where she was walking   and it turned out she was a German lady called Verona and she loves Yorkshire and comes to visit quite often wandering around the place. She was based in York on holiday, a city she loves, and we had a nice conversation about walks around the northern part of Yorkshire. She had a huge book of Yorkshire walks and dutifully ticked  the ones I recommended. I gave her our card and I hope she gets in touch. She lives in Berlin at the moment and it is great there are Yorkshire fanatics worldwide. A very nice lady.