Sunday 28 November 2010

This afternoon we went to see my mother in Richmond. The boys did 45 minutes of sledging at a place called Westfields at the western end of Richmond naturally! There was a bit less snow in Richmond and the cloud cover was much higher but looking very mellow and wintry. Fiona and I had a walk around Round Howe and we saw some deer footprints. The snow was a lot deeper on the opposite side of the valley from where the boys were sledging because it gets no sun at all. It is amazing how out of the way it feels even though it is only about a kilometre from the road. We saw a lot of fresh molehills the moles seem to get very active when the weather gets really cold. That's one I don't think I will look up! When we got back to the lads they were all excited and glowy which was really nice. Mum was well but her foot was still quite swollen from the operation she had a few days ago to straighten her toes out. Thinking I was helping her because she mentioned about toilet rolls a few days back I took a huge pack of 24 but it turned out she didn't need toilet rolls. Oh well, what are sons for but for forgiving! A nice day.