Wednesday 23 May 2012

I have got a bit behind with my blogging and on Saturday, May 5th in the morning with the family I went to a funeral of a Bahai friend called Abbas Bayat. We had not seen him for a number of years, and we saw a lot of him with his family when we went up to the Durham Bahai Community to celebrate the 19 Day Feast with them which we did on a regular basis at that time because it was nice to meet them and the boys really enjoyed it. Mr Bayatt was a really good bloke and he loved our lads and I fondly recollect him listening to Miles on one occasion, Miles was 7, talking at length about SimCity which was really good not least because Mr Bayatt did not understand English. He was an Iranian Bahai who had to leave Iran in the 80s because of the religious intolerance which came in after the 1979 revolution. Anyway, it was a lovely funeral and at the reception afterwards I met loads of Baha'is I had not seen for a number of years which was really nice. Because my birthday was coming up on May 7th it was my birthday weekend which meant I got to do anything I liked even going off on my own if I wanted to. But it was nice to stay with the family as usual and after the reception we had a great walk around Durham City all bounced up and full of energy from the food we had been eating! It was the usual back home and meatballs, spaghetti and tomato sauce followed by Star Trek. I truly love my family and family life in general. I had a great feeling of buoyant expectations because a long-standing friend Joe James and his wife Liz were coming to visit and stop over the next day. I was also enjoying the very cold and rainy weather with strong snap showers which felt really good.