Saturday 4 January 2014

Well, things are looking up in my marriage at last . No ferret no matter how  many calls to Ferret Line for men who's wives ban ferrets  but Earth Mother Ruler of the Domestic Domain is allowing  me to get a sheep eating cactus Puya chilensis. So in 10 years time when this thing is a Triffed like monster in my music room and I disappear it's not Fiona's doing . I will have been grabbed by a cactus  with it's poisonous spines .  Apparently you feed this thing by chucking in a  mouse once a year and it decomposes after having being slain by the dastardly prickles and its gory nutritional requirements have been met. Not quite as exciting as a ferret and I can't stroke it but it will do.  As every good woman knows : it's the thought that counts!