Sunday 19 December 2010

I took Miles skateboarding this morning at RKade in Redcar and was surprised to find about 10cm of snow in the Tees Estuary. There had been none in Darlington . Miles had a great session and his friend Luke Bourner pulled off a really difficult trick . Good lad . After this we went to see my Mum in Richmond and had a walk around Easby Abbey in the low winter light and it was cloudless and beautiful. We saw a small flock of birds we couldn't identify but I think they may be Golden Plovers and I saw two woodpeckers ripping across a field . Got some speed those birds . Richmond is nice at any time of the year but in the winter light it is wonderful . My Mum was in good fettle and we had a very humorous time . We all seem to get very excited when we see her . Star Trek and egg and chips coming up and I'm playing at the Butterknowle Acoustic Club Xmas do tonight , with who I'm not quite sure but the Button Hole Jam said they'd put up with me for a few numbers and Fiona said she'd be my personal groupie . Wow!