Sunday 5 February 2012

Well, another interesting Sunday. It started out with taking Miles down to RKade Skate park in Redcar with the roads in Darlington covered in snow. I was not sure how the heavier car we have now would manage the snow but it was fine. Going down the A66 from Darlington with a 50 mile view down the Vale of York to my right and South East and the North Yorkshire Moors was stunning as usual and there was a fine mist laying in the valley which I knew would keep the temperatures low for the day.

It was supremely cold in the skate park and some parents were shivering after about an hour. Got to wrap up warm folks. We went to visit my mother in the afternoon and she was in good fettle but has some mild health problems. We cheer her up with our slightly anarchic behaviour but she does not mind that. We will be taking her out for a meal on her birthday soon and she always enjoys that because we link it with Miles's birthday so it is a double celebration. The snow had nearly melted in Richmond in the afternoon leaving the fauna all wet looking and fresh almost springlike. A very good day but I'm feeling a bit at a loss what to do at the moment. Geology!