Tuesday 3 December 2013

Teesside Saltholme RSPB sojourn today. Wildlife saltmarsh eye in industrial storm of machine making and chemical brews necessary for our lives. Fiona fine fettle lady by my side. First encounter with a Merlin hunting low and deadly. Wonderful. Next up and over  Redshanks and Pintails . Thousands of roosting Lapwings and Golden Plovers down from freezing hills for winter estuary life. Spooked by Merlin so rising up in bird clouds and then down to perching safety only to rise again . Merlin in sky. Foxes on ground!  Clouds crowding to grey on cold South East wind moving West threatening rain. Cumulus to Stratoculmulus to pannus confusion . No rain! Waxwings searched for.  Not found. No visit to Teesside yet according to local birdwatching old guy. Hull yes. Teesside no. Berries not good enough?! Miles trod and cold felt .Coffee and muffin feast at cafe. We experience a lot but make do with little. Parsimony favourite lifestyle flavoured with fun and love . Friends family  nature technology and love of God fulfill my life .