Saturday 26 November 2011

Well, after a very quiet start to the day and the rest of the family got up very late, the lazy devils, we went up to Durham for a walk along the River Wear. Most of the leaves have been blown off by the gales and there were piles of them by the track. Nice! Best of all about a mile out of the city centre we spied 2 Little Grebes looking ever so small and vulnerable diving and feeding in the river. Of course they are anything but because last winter when there were huge wide rafts of sludgy snow floating down the river these small birds would swim through them against the current. They may look small but they are very strong. Fiona is still not very well and she could only manage 3 miles but we had a look inside Durham Cathedral and it was all dark, mysterious and very beautiful. Biscuit break was good as well. When we got back home I knocked up the usual meatballs, tomato sauce and pasta with some garlic bread and watched the film Galaxy Quest a sort of sendup of the Star Trek series which is very ironic because we watch Star Trek all the time. A lovely afternoon out but I will be happier when my wife is better and up to her normal strength. Only two months ago she was trekking around the Lake District for goodness sake. But that's the way it goes: when the going gets tough: and we all know the rest!