Friday 29 October 2010

This morning I kickbiked 8 miles around the outskirts of Durham and then through the centre back to Shincliffe. I could not find the right path to go on even when I had asked a local the way so I went out over this field and a local guy waved me over to the path! And I always tell the boys to take an OS map! The journey was a mixture of kickbicking and walking and I enjoyed the off-road sections. It is still the case that when you kickbike you do not see as much nature but it is really brilliant swooping around. On one section of road going through the various Durham University Halls of residence I was doing at least 30 miles an hour! Kickbicking is very sociable because it is easy to step off the bike when walkers are around in fact it is very comfortable to do that because it is more strenuous than cycling and because it has a more limited range of movement I find I get a bit stiff so the getting off parts are more than welcome. As usual riding a kickbike is quite a head turner because it is really a giant scooter and when I stopped for a coffee in the centre the young man who worked at Starbucks asked me loads of questions about it. I am always quite surprised how timid some people are because I offered the man a ride on the bike around the square but he declined. A couple of years ago in Newcastle when I got waylaid by a group of old age pensioners because they were so interested in my kickbike several of these fine old ladies actually had a go on it! A nice morning and I have finally got rid of the stiffness out of my legs from going up Skiddaw last Monday!