Sunday 18 July 2010

Fo is better today which is nice and she is cracking on with the school reports. I took the lads skateboarding at RKade this morning and they really ripped as usual. As my Mum is in hospital still getting her feet sorted out we didn't visit her today so I had an afternoon free . Whoopee. I went down to York and had a 8-10 mile bash on my kickbike. There were mystery plays on so a lot of people were around which was nice and quite a lot of people commented on my kickbike. Where have they been? The Uni was nice as usual but I didn't get to see many of the birds because the kickbike is to quick to allow noticing. Was nice to be back with the family a few hours later and as usual I thought a lot about them when I was on my own. A member of one of the audiences at the mystery plays seemed to know me but I hadn't a clue who she was . Oh well faux pas time again, nothing new I just get good at rescuing the situation. I this case I just rode off into the crowd. Heck I wasn't going to clamber over the seats just to stay " Who are you" and for once that thought hadn't occurred to me! A good day .