Wednesday 12 December 2012

Response to a Facebook remark about people who are God fearing.

"Well , God fearing or just fearing it doesn't really matter to me because everyone fears something and this shapes and guides their lives  .  Religious or atheist it doesn't matter, that principle and practice holds. If Crosby Stills and Nash can state " You who are on the road must have a code you can live by", when the person who lives by that code violates it or has it violated fear is involved.  God fearing people have raised nearly all of the human civilizations so far and there is no evidence at all that  that phenomena is decreasing : going the other way in fact. Look at the growth of population in India , Africa and South America : all countries where most of the inhabitants are religious . China will be the next  country to get religion big time ! Religion is still the predominating and fundamental belief held by the worlds peoples right across the globe in part because so many of its principles overlap with secular beliefs. Which is why its a bit daft when religious  and atheist folk try to claim they are totally different : they have more in common than that which differentiates them. The whole world  direction at this point in mankinds history is towards that which is held in common: unity.

I'm God fearing and I love being that way . I don't think you see me having a problem , misery or grief through it. Had a bit o grief with Fiona this morning and got caught out again as a total idiot with one of my friends Klara Whiley who I see once a month at least,  up in Butterknowle so there is no escape and all  because I misunderstood one of her posts . Two things I do feel miserable about by the way !  "