Tuesday 19 April 2011

This morning when the rest of the gang were tucked up in bed I went to Saltholme RSPB reserve on Teeside to see what was around. Not a lot of birds it turned out but the ones that were there were real gems. First off was a Little Ringed Plover snuck in amongst a pair of Herons as well as , joy of joys a pair of Little Egrets . Very nice . Moving on to Paddies Hide where I was sure there would be a breeding pair of Greater Crested Grebes because they were there last year and sure enough there they were there still at the stage of affectionately handing bits of weed to each other . That was good but it got better because I noticed two patchy looking black and white birds roosting in the gravel patch on the island in the lagoon and I was just about to ask the RSPB chappie what they were when he said the magic words "There are a pair of Avocets at the end of this scope if you want to have a look " . Did I. Amazing, coupled with a bit of disappointment because it didn't look like they were going to stand up so I could see that kids slide beak they have and the long graceful legs and body . But they did stand up for a while . I seem to have luck when birding as one RSPB bloke said to me a few months ago . He also found a Pink Footed Goose on the scope as well and that just made my morning . RSPB Brill! The whole place was a bit steamy and hot in the haze and I could see the mega industry around the site about a mile away but I couldn't hear much of it and with the Skylarks singing away , dozens of them , it felt just like Upper Teesdale ! On the way back to the Information Center best of all really was a lovely old lady bouncing along brandishing her RSPB sweatshirt and waving her arms around like some frisky Grebe to loosen up a bit ! You really are as old as you feel and if I wasn't an accounted for man I would have liked to have given her a hug just to see how young she really did feel. People who get into nature seem to have a zest about them that I really like ! Of course the lovely Fo is also really into nature and I do get to hug her ! When I'm not in the doghouse that is !
Yesterday Fo and I had a nice 8 mile walk around York, a warm up really for when we go into the Lake District this week. The lads were wasted with colds so looking half dead and making minor protests we let them stay at home for the day . I say let them stay it was nice to be out and about with my wife without the doggies for once! Monday morning York was quiet, sleepy and the early morning haze added to the ambience . Fo enjoyed having a good look at the flowers and plants as we walked around and we had a good birdwatching session at the Uni lake, Derwent College end , where a young heron was trying to feed in the reeds but kept on being chased off by the Greylag and Barnacle geese. Still , it allowed us to have a good look very close up at a magnificent animal . It was interesting how it kept looking down trying to find a spot but when we left 20 minutes later it was still high in the tree and eventually flew off . A nice day out but I got back to late to get to the rehearsal / gig at Butterknowle! I will bare my back for getting whipped this Sunday! Bad dog!