Saturday 14 September 2013

Beautiful day. Up early, Clifford going to hall of residence at Northumbria University. Daddy lectured Clifford in car about importance of getting Computational Mathematics course cracked. Daddy nervous? Whole family accompanying him. Cumulus cloud filled blue sky approaching Tyne Bridge looking over busy, North Run prepared Newcastle. Clifford's accommodation great. Students really helpful. I helped flatmate Nicola with using cooker and getting vegan bacon going. Nice girl. Clifford happy and whole family said prayers together in his bedroom before leaving.Clifford back home again next Friday. Onto Durham, walked Autumn tinged woods, sipped espresso and went to Cathedral to look at contemporary stained glass. At home. Crash out and cuddle with Fiona listening to Leonard Cohen Live in London. Gobbled tea of home-made meatballs, tomato sauce, fresh pasta and garlic bread. Watched Lord of War. Excellent but gloomy and thoughtful. I keep thanking God for such a wonderful son as Clifford.I don't miss him because he is where he should be. Miles away to Durham in two weeks time. Family wonderful, friends great and at peace with the world.