Saturday 23 October 2010

This afternoon with the family I had a very nice walk around the woods in Durham. The leaves are slipping golden and brown even more quickly and the ground is getting fairly covered as well. Some Durham University students were having a race around the woods and it was nice to see such a large amount of very fit young people. They were only going 6 km and I pointed out to one of the organizers they should be doing double that which he thought was quite funny. We found a new perch for our biscuit break at the bottom of Durham market with a good view up the market facing west. It turned out to be a bit of an expensive afternoon because the boys needed two new skate decks and Clifford needed a waterproof for fell walking. I was amazed at how flimsy a lot off the very expensive waterproofs were so I was not too impressed with that and after we had gone back to Darlington I got him a much cheaper one but much more substantial from Millets. I know that the theory is that the better the material the more they are "breathable" but I have never found a so-called breathable coat that doesn't gets me super sweaty and super sweaty in any breathable waterproof , wax cotton jacket , or the non-breathable waterproofs that we use still feels very wet. 2 episodes of Star Trek, and mushy peas, sausages, chips and garlic bread will be started in about half an hour . A nice afternoon a good start to the holiday .