Saturday 21 August 2010

With the family I have just got back from a gorgeous 4 mile walk around the outskirts of Durham and then into the center to get a pair of walking shoes for Fofo. That was a laugh because she took a while making her mind up . As Bob Dylan didn't say " She shops just like a woman". Yeah. Still the hiking shop had some good rocks for me to look at so out came the hand lens and Miles and I had a good mini discussion about rocks . I actually identified one of them : a Shap granite , made up of mica , felspar and quartz all easily visible under the hand lens. Stopped at our usual perch for biscuit break to the sounds of a Northumbrian Pipe player who was pretty good, an old fellow who looked and sounded like the real thing. What they sell in the shops in Durham is mostly fake but the buskers are the real thing! It was a very humorous walk today and Clifford told Fofo and I about a dream he had last night when Fofo and I were out walking and we were fighting over a teddy. Trying to pull it away from the other . We reckoned this dream was inspired by his howls of protest the other night when he had hurt his foot skateboarding and Fo looked at it and while she was on all fours I climbed over her resting on her to look at Cliffords other foot to compare " You're like a pair of toddlers, climbing on top of each other " he howled. Yep we are growing down not up ! Mind you we reckon we have always been pretty childish it is just that our lads are just beginning to notice . Miles said today rather ominously " You two are getting worse". Well, "Legally blond" movie tonight followed by the Bahai Feast our once a month main religious celebration every 19 days . A good day although somewhat unfinished !