Saturday 17 July 2010

This afternoon with the lads I had a good 5 mile walk around Crimond Dene aka Castle Dene in County Durham on the Teeside/ Durham border. Fo couldn't make it because she was ill. This was to collect data for Cliffords GCSE couese work which is to sample various points of the river . The river rises about 4 miles inland from several springs. Mega problem as soon as we got there : no river or at least a river but with no water in it . I thought this morning, " We have had a months long drought so I bet a river that rises a few miles inland will have no water in it" Yep. But it turned out really interesting because we could walk for about 1.5 miles in a dry river bed and had a good look at the erosion and the exposed geology . There was was a pebbly formation that I will figure out tonight. We picked up a beautiful Yellow Sandstone Formation rock and another specimen. Nice afternoon and Fo is better. It's the sausages : she always gets better when food's cooking!