Sunday 22 August 2010

Had a lovely three mile walk around Easby Abbey in Richmond N. Yorks with the lovely Fo this afternoon . No kids . Hooray. The leaves were lush with all the rain we have been getting, that August sun-soaked look with a dash of the cloudy stuff. After a super single cone we visited my Mum who had a nasty foot infection from the op she had last week to correct the op she had a couple of years ago. When you get ancient, op correcting ops are the way to go apparently. Actually I had several of those between 6 and 10 years of age, I was such a trend setter , and if you are out and about in the hills of northern UK and see a man walking quickly with a withered arm that's likely to be me . Hardly the basis for building a fan club but "Hello " would be nice ! Mum is now on Facebook at last and using the net after favoured son number one said that if she wanted to talk to us use the messaging system first. Encouragement is so New Labour and it is always best to move with the times. Early evening we watched Legally Blonde 2 : a mind boggingly funny yarn with an excellent sound track. Maths and Bahai history this evening with a peek at Lake District geology to find those sneaky rocks that seem to hide from me every time I go there! They move , I swear they move , they know I'm coming..... A good day.