Friday 22 June 2012

Gosh, I remember women's groups in the mid-1980s all hairy legs (very nice), baggy dresses, dungarees and seriously strong attitudes towards all sorts of things but particularly men. I only went out with one woman over that period who was a mild women's groups   sort of person and found her very easy to get on with because she knew exactly what she wanted to do or not. 

But in York in the 1980s they were a pretty wild bunch! I used to tread carefully around any of them. And so I should of! This may sound strange but it is an attitude and way of thinking that I have kept to this day and I am positively convinced is one of the main reasons I am still married after nearly 24 years. Some could call it mutual respect between me and my wife, but I really believe that we live in a feminine style age where what women are strong in is what will further the interests of the whole human race and reason and intuition are a better way of doing things than forcefulness and passion , something guys are strong in which is only useful for some things.

This age for me is the Bahai age and for anybody who is religious all religions are going in that direction: a feminine style age of reason and intuition but embodied in institutions to democratically coordinate and manage the affairs for everybody on the planet.
 I wrote this in response to some points raised by one of my Facebook friends Toby Philpott about drugs.

"Eventually no one will want to get high on drugs because all highs are not good for  the health. It is interesting that alcohol consumption is being scientifically probed like smoking tobacco was and in around 20 years most people won't touch the stuff. Drugs will die a death soon after that.

Alcohol consumption is the number one problem around the highs issue on the planet today. I have had interesting discussions with all sorts of people over the years about this . The main beef seems to be, from a particular guy I used to know was, he  could manage drinking so why shouldn't he do it? Good point . Well , there are a very large minority of drinkers who can't and they cause mayhem to themselves and others. Of course now more is known about the deletrious effects of alcohol on health he may not feel the same way now !

Interesting feminist point here : the rise of female emancipation and the temperance movement in 19th century America go together . Even today some of the worst  effects of alcohol are felt by women. All this is quite important because eventually people will give up any sort of high not  just because it may not be good for them but they know for a certainty  that what they are doing as an individual done by others can go on to destroy other peoples lives who do not drink at all!

A world civilization with that level of social consciousness is the one I want to live in. We in the West are going to have to lower our consumption levels eventually because it will be unfair to the rest of the planets peoples if we don't . Same principle and practice as the alcohol and drugs issue."