Monday 20 February 2012

Thought I'd put this in my blog . From my Facebook encounters!

"I believe in the idea of cosmology "proving" a creator simply because if the cosmologists show that creation goes on forever , i.e. it has no cause or end this very stuff that we are , standing on , breathing in etc is in its complete explanation outside of the purview of the scientific framework to explain . No cause , no effect therefore: no science! So , the religious views Bahai mostly, possibly Buddhist as well , that the universe has always and will always exist will be as good an explanation as science simply because science by its own definition would have no basis at all to offer an explanation other than theory , sorry religion, sorry theory . Take your pick!. I'm into both. Thus , possibly , one of the pretty fundamental meeting points of science and religion will be established and both will be seen eventually as mutual parts of the same enterprise : coming to know and love God : or : coming to know and love creation, the only effect of God one can know ! There are holes in this argument and they're not just black ones. The creator will be proved simply because we are here , we are created, but there is no physical explanation for it ! Religion : don't it get a man thinking ! Science does as well. Woof woof!"