Saturday 30 June 2012

Into "will it or won't it rain like mad weather" and a sky full of billowy clouds I went out and about around the Durham City Words with the family. Miles was driving us and as we came into the village of Shincliffe on the outskirts of Durham City vapour was steaming off the road from a recently passed shower no doubt on its way upwards to meet up with some microscopic particles of dust, be very attracted to them and then a lot more water vapour groups around it and before you know it.......poof ....... you have a cumulus humilis cloud all white and wispy shaped like boxy cotton wool in the sky.

Walking along the banks of the River Wear the smells were like freshly cut grass, aniseed and manure rolled up into one. Gorgeous. The hot and humid weather sprinkled with a lot of rain has brought on a lot of growth with the plants and it was wonderful. Not too warm today because of the strong westerly wind.

Biscuit break took longer than usual because Fiona had to buy a pair of black tights for the upcoming Klara Whiley's Birthday Party do at Butterknowle tonight.  I said to the lads "First thing, your mum will take 20 min just finding them in Tesco's and then it will be another 20 min deciding!". Well it did take 20 min which was quite a laugh. This is one of the reasons I always go with Fiona to do these things if I am there!

Well, we got back travelling through some great views of huge cumulus clouds, congestus actually, I have been reading my cloud book very thoroughly, and it looked like a total rainstorm was coming down but it didn't. Fiona and I had a nice crash out and listen to Joni Mitchell "Blue" and I was amazed at the beautiful introspection of the lyrics as well as the very atypical and spacey melodies that she writes. Wonderful!

I must mention this. This morning I went out early to just leg it around a part of Darlington for some exercise and as I was going up Faverdale Hill this Beagle dog took a dislike to me and came bounding over barking away obviously more bark than bite and as I turned away from it minding my own business it came a bit too close so I leapt around and chased it back to its owner with its tail between its legs. It could run, but I was catching it! A harmless bit of fun but I'm sure next time I see this hound it will be a lot quieter. The owner reckoned it was upset by my rucksack and the umbrella sticking out of the top of it! Personally I just thought it was a dog that had not been trained very well!