Saturday 2 February 2013

It has been quite a week. I got a job when I never expected to get a job ever again and Miles passed his driving test which I expected him to do! So, going out today was against a backdrop of feeling pretty good about getting out into the wider world and doing something for society other than raising children. Which I think I have done fairly well but it is time to move on. I can also stop trying to find a musician to play with which is good because I was not finding one!

Miles stayed in to do his mathematics this afternoon whilst Fiona, Clifford and I had a nice trek around the Durham Woods and into the city centre. It was a quiet afternoon and we only saw a Nuthatch on one of the feeders in the wood but that was pretty good because I had never seen one before. When we had muffin break in the Cloisters in Durham Cathedral there were many people around and the milder weather had brought them out.

I just feel mellowed out at the moment and yesterday I got a call from my manager telling me about the training I will be doing next week for a couple of days and that felt pretty good. I have been thinking a lot about how to break down cooking a meal into little steps that can be worked together on with one of the Learning Disabled chappies I will be working with and I have enjoyed that. I was going to read up on stuff about Autism but I really cannot be bothered. It is very technical and do not think it has that much to do with the job that I will be doing which is more about helping Learning Disabled people to become independent.

After our usual Meatballs and spaghetti meal we watched "Marley and Me" a film with Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston and a Labrador dog in it. I went to see it with the lads in 2008 and it was good to watch it with Fiona. A very mellow day and even though I have told everybody I am not going to have much to do with music anymore what I really meant to say was that I was not going to try to find somebody to go out and do it as a business and make money. I will be still playing with local folk not least because I really like them first and foremost but playing music with them is supercool and good fun.