Wednesday 28 December 2011

Last Monday, with the family we had a really good trip over to see Veronica at Barrow in Furness in the southern lakes. Before we visited her we had a really nice walk around Ulverston looking at several of the houses and walking around some of the backstreets. Fiona had to stop a couple of times because she felt dizzy! Poor girl! But town walks are so interesting. When we got to the old people's home we got Veronica a wheelchair to take her down into the reception area where there was a lot more room and she really enjoyed herself talking to the boys and looking at the photographs that Fiona brought. We saw it as bringing part of her old life into the new one because she does not get out of the special care unit that she is in at all. A sure sign that she is happy in that unit was that she felt a bit out of place at first away from her lady friends and the people who look after her. It was really funny at times because Veronica had no problem concentrating on what Miles was saying at all and had a really good dialogue with him but when she was talking with Clifford she just could not keep her concentration going and she kept on turning away from him and talking to me and Fiona which left Clifford looking a bit miffed. A very humorous and delightful moment! The lads enjoy visiting her and it is nice to know that she is being looked after well although she does keep falling over at the moment and reflects on that herself and just accepts it as part of her frailties . It is a straight 100 miles over to Barrow but it is a very interesting and nice journey and I hope to be making it for many more years to come. God bless my dear mother in law.