Thursday 20 May 2010

A good day today although I'm a bit wasted now. A friend of mine who lives in Taiwan has just got in touch , through Face book, and that is really nice . I love the friendships I still have with people from 1980's York, like Toni Bunnel and Emily Peattie and I especially cherish my friendship with Ian. He has always been so good for me , always given me good advice and was one of the handful of people in the '80's who gave me the confidence to apply for York University. I only applied for one and I knew I would get in. I had some great conversations with Ian and many fun times and he contacted me several years ago and we have stayed in touch since then. Like me he is settled down with wife and children and we both really enjoy family life . One day , we are going to visit him in Taiwan and have a holiday there . It is a fine country.